Received Information July 6th, 2015 and Posted July 7th, 2015
President John Mercer called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Those present were: John Mercer, Janet Veit, Al Jowdy, Rodney Jones, Lisa Dreyer,
Peg Gonzalez, Debi Zube, Louise Jowdy, Mary Oppenheimer, Sandy Oppenheimer,
Charleen Maschinot Hurton, Pat Hurton, Richard Noar, William E. Leary, Ezra “Joel”
Starr, Randy Oppenheimer, Mike Asea, Debbie Copeland, Monroe Copeland, R. Kim
McElwain, Bonita McElwain Wilcox, Howard Grounds, Jeff Jowdy, James F.
McCorriston, Kathy Jones
After the Pledge of Allegiance, an invocation was given by Howard Grounds.
President’s Report:
John Mercer reported on AMRF. They had been providing tax filing assistance and
liability insurance in the past, but have downsized their operations and no longer
provide those. The President and Executive Committee will pursue getting coverage
that the Association needs.
John recognized the veterans from the USS Chester who are attending the reunion. In
turn, they have invited veterans from the USS Salt Lake City to attend their reunion in
Anniston, Alabama, October 8-11, 2015.
Vice-President’s Report:
Janet Veit thanked John for the work he has done to make this reunion such an
excellent one.
She reported that she attended the Memorial Day program at the Nimitz Museum and a
wreath was laid at the plaque of the USS Salt Lake City.
Treasurer’s Report:
Al Jowdy reported a balance of about $3,000 at the start of the year. He thanked all who
have given donations. There are 35 paying members for 2015 and 3 have paid for 2016
He said our expenditures during the year are minimal: payment for the website,
newsletter printing and postage.
The reunion costs were: Bus $475; Hotel $400 down payment; Tours $584; Cruise
dinner $1,960; Gratuities for tour guides $120 and $160.
Unfinished Business:None
New Business:
John explained how reunions are organized and put together: the standing President
and his/her appointed executive board work throughout the year. He asked for
proposals from the floor. There being none, Sandy Oppenheimer asked Janet for some
suggestions. She presented an couple: Texas (either Austin or San Antonio so we could
visit the Nimitz Museum which has been added on to since our last visit) or Newport
Election of new president:
Sandy Oppenheimer moved and there were multiple seconds
that Janet Veit be nominated for the office of President. The motion carried.
Good of the Association:
Mesothelioma Update: It is a threat to some veterans who should be aware of resource
websites: the USS Salt Lake City website, the VA’s website and
Janet explained the time frame for the next reunion. A location should be decided by
October with events announced in January. Updates will be on the USS Salt Lake City
website. The committee will be working throughout the upcoming months.
Pat Hurton commented on how much work was done for this reunion and how
noteworthy it is that the costs to attend were kept so low.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Jones